
Development Strategy


This is a project basic website design services tutorial project.

It is design to create to learn and practices git brances and also html,css.

Anyone who is new in the web development and would want to become a web developer. It is very simple and a good start project.


wireframe-home-page wireframe-about-page wireframe-services-page

0. Set-Up

A User can see my initial repository and live demo


1. User story: Header and Navigation

This is the first story for creating the header and navigation section


This user story was created on a branch “1-heder-nav”


I have add the meta-tag with name viewport to make the site responsive so that could be displayed proper on every device.

I have add the description and keywords content.

I have add the autor of the website.

I add it the link for style-css.

I add it the header and navigation pages in the right-side of header.


Add the background of the header. Add the color font. Set the margin and padding properties.

2. User story: Showcase

This is the second user story for creating the showcase section


This user story was created on a branch “2-showcase”

Add a showcase image background.


I added the section showcase.

I added the div class contianer.

I added the p paragraph to display a slogan for the company.


Add a background image to the showcase section.

Add white color of the text.

3. User story: Newsletter

This is the third user story for creating the newsletter section


This user story was created on a branch “3-newsletter”


I added the section newsletter.

I added an id because it would be uniq newsletter.

I added a form and within the form added an input where the user can type his email adress and an submit button.

For the moment the submit button would not creat any event when you click it.


Add the css properties for newsletter id.

Add the css properties for newsletter h1.

Add the css properties for newsletter form.

Add the css properties for newsletter.

4. User story: Boxes

This is the third user story for creating the boxes section


This user story was created on a branch “4-boxes”

Add a img folder with 4 images HTML logo, CSS logo, Graphic Design logo.


I added the section boxes.

This section would have 3 boxes HTML, CSS and Graphic design box.


Add the css margin properties.

Add the css float properties to aling all boxes to left.

Add the css text-aling properties.

Add the css padding properties.

Add the css with properties for img.

5. User story: Footer

This is the third user story for creating the footer section


This user story was created on a branch “5-footer”


Add the section footer.


Add the css padding properties.

Add the css margin-top properties.

Add the css color properties.

Add the css background properties.

Add the css with properties for img.

Finishing Touches